In order to rise / From its own ashes / A phoenix / First / Must / Burn
- Octavia E. Butler
The Phoenix Project
The Phoenix Project was created to house published works whose original homes no longer exist. If you have a literary refugee looking for a home, email us with “The Phoenix Project” in your subject line, a copy of your piece and a cover letter telling us which defunct magazine it once called home. We strongly believe these pieces, like us, deserve a second chance.
Please note that these works must still fit within our guidelines - check our Submit page for additional information on what types of work we will entertain. The Phoenix Project submissions are rolling and do not follow our issue submission periods.
ANNOUNCEMENT: Second Chance Lit is currently on an indefinite hiatus. Please do not submit at this time. Thank you!

What We Ask, What We Wish - Prose by Pat Foran

Jitter and Shimmer - Poetry by Lynne Lampe

A Leaf in the Storm - Prose by Patty Somlo

Judge Not By What Makes Us Small - Poetry by Russell Willis

Little Boat - Poetry by Robin Turner

Starlight - Poetry by Lynn White

Stranded - Poetry by Carolyn Martin

Extinction - Poetry by Angie Crea O'Neal

Unfinished Business - Prose by Lisa Fox

Project Genesis - Prose by Chrissie Rohrman

Plum Cake and Vertigo - Prose by Penny Pennell

If the Birds Take Flight - Poetry by Wallace Barker

The Last Trick - Prose by Elizabeth Hoyle

No River Where We Parted - Poetry by Michael Cooney

Pomegranate - Poetry by Caroline Gonda

Kate Mulvaney Remembers Her Father - Poetry by Jack B. Bedell

Still Life with Anemones; Room at Arles - Poetry by Karen Greenbaum-Maya

Existing - Poetry by JP Legarte

an open letter for back to school night - Poetry by Matthew E. Henry (MEH)

Rhinestone Justice - Prose by Kelsey Larson

it took till you were gone to see - Poetry by Vic Nogay

Lunch Date - Poetry by Megan Cannella
Ready must thou be to burn thyself in thine own flame; how couldst thou become new if thou have not first become ashes!
- Friedrich Nietzsche