Were My Footsteps on Water, Would You See?
Cheryl Suma
Were my footsteps on water,
would I float with god’s grace,
each step a flutter upon rain.
Would you see my wings raised high,
not as the predator’s flight,
but rather at one with might’s climb—
the bearer of hope birthed
on the wind’s refinement,
on the breadth of love’s infatuation,
born of the music within the spaces
between silence and next note.
Would you watch my colors swirl
to encircle that harmonious space,
a centrifuge spitting raw emotions
until they bled rainbows,
creating a whirlpool to capture
the music within light.
Were my footsteps on water,
would they let me be the dancer
who glides upon air,
breathing the impossible
through their faith in song’s flight.
Would you feel the dance with me,
or would you reach through my exposition,
rushing forward to your verse?
Let there be no sorrow too full,
for the violin’s ache calls not for me,
nor for music’s breath or water’s blush,
but for the throws of love’s ache.
For the dancers who soar beyond earth,
twisting and spinning,
longing more abundant than the
moonlight’s shimmer upon water,
forever reaching to reflect the sun’s kiss
on her midnight face.
Footsteps on water bless the musicians,
the dancers, the poets and the silence.
They who let the song’s melody rise,
carrying their pain forward
until it can cross to elation,
casting their passion’s echoes
to mirror the moon, the water,
and the colors within.
Each accepts an elusive touch,
their footsteps too fluid for
my slow-moving glacier to hold,
leaving me with only
her mountain’s tears
to grace my steps.
They whisper be still my heart,
for this ache lives on
beyond the violin’s song,
beyond the dancer’s steps—
too gentle and purposeful
for water like mine.
A Pushcart nominee, Cheryl’s fiction, creative nonfiction and poetry have appeared in US, UK & Canadian publications, including National Flash Fiction Day-Flash Flood, Blank Spaces Magazine, Fatal Flaw Literary Magazine, Longridge Review, Nightingale & Sparrow, La Piccioletta Barca, and others. Cheryl has a MHSc, Speech-Language Pathology and a HBSc, Psychology.
*You can find her on twitter @cherylskorysuma