Yard Sale, After

Aaron Sandberg

Say the quarter you offered

was fair

to get that handmade thing

you made me back

when this house

was our home.

Sure, I could take less

than I sticker-said—

even less than you gave

if money was what I was owed,

you hiding behind

glasses and hat.

I won’t say I’m sorry

when you hold out your coin.

I’ll tell you that

nothing’s for sale.

Aaron Sandberg will not haggle with you over something under a dollar. His writing has appeared or is forthcoming in West Trade Review, Asimov’s, The Offing, Sporklet, Lowestoft Chronicle, Abridged, Giallo, Right Hand Pointing, Monday Night, and elsewhere. A Pushcart-nominated teacher, you might find him—though socially-distant—on Instagram @aarondsandberg.