Tides and Seasons

Robin McNamara

It: was always there, the calling,

In the silence of briars in meadows 

That covered the bloom of heather

And life unseen, in noise of rushed life.

Oh, the sounds of waves that crash 

The rocks, that jutted up in defiance. 

Pebbles applause for the returning 



It: was always there, the calling,

In the noise of choirs in shadows

Of swallows that come together,

In nested trees, in this wildlife.

Though, the weeds bloom and mock

The garden’s elegance, they shoot up

In defiance.

Rebels of nature for the returning 


Robin McNamara has over 100 poems published worldwide. Poems have been placed in Saccharine Poetry, Pink Plastic House, Dreich, Full House Literary Magazine, Dream Journal, & Literary Heist. Robin’s debut chapbook, Under a Mind’s Staircase is being published with Hedgehog Poetry Press in 2021.