We have much to learn from the axolotl
Our cities are quiet
but shine loud with fresh hopes and dreams and
sweet denial.
The fire has come to claim us
with its shimmering shadow,
inviting itself
into our homes and into our hearts;
it is not the same fire we were prophesied-
it is worse.
The country lands cry into our rivers
but we do not see-
our eyes are shut too tight,
stinging from the pain
of hands we've
kissed goodbye.
The devil has gone fishing
in a little boat on the lake.
He catches no fish:
they swim too deep
they know too much.
Maïs is a young, queer, Southeast Asian-Arab Muslim poet from the UK. They live and breathe poetry, for it is a magic that must be lovingly made. They can also be found @poetryghostmais on Instagram.